Кубок России, 12.5 км, масс-старт, жен.
Биатлон с Дмитрием Губерниевым (12+)
Кубок мира, 20 (10+10) км, скиатлон, муж.
Кубок России, 15 км, масс-старт, муж.
Кубок мира, 20 (10+10) км, скиатлон, жен.
Кубок мира, 15 км, масс-старт, муж.
Кубок мира, 12.5 км, масс-старт, жен.
об интервалах для увеличения VO2max (МПК). А МПК в т.ч. зависит и от ударного объема.
небезызвестный Stephen Seiler:
Remember VO2 max? We have established that cardiac performance is a primary determinant of the VO2 max. The results of my thesis study suggested that interval training was the best way to enhance maximal cardiac performance, and therefore, presumably, VO2max. In fact, in a study by a different laboratory, a significant increase in VO2 max occurred in previously untrained rats subjected to 5, very high intensity 1 minute bouts of exercise a day. That's 5 minutes of exercise. This improvement occured without any change in skeletal muscle oxidative capacity. There are other studies, on humans, that demonstrate the same finding.
Interval training allows us to accumulate a greater volume of stress on the blood pumping capacity of the heart. By using a large muscle mass, we promote maximal stroke volume responses. A high heart rate also is achieved as a function of the intensity. Finally, the periodic elevations and decreases in intensity may create special loading stresses on the heart that are adaptive. For example, during an interval, heart rate climbs high, then at the moment you stop the interval, heart rate immediately starts to drop, but venous return remains high. These exposures to additional ventricular stretch may help trigger ventricular remodeling (bigger ventricle volume).
Единственно что вызывает сомнение, это "untrained rats". Нетренированым вообще вроде все равно чем их терроризируют, они поначалу откликаются на любые нагрузки.
Правда у Табаты это были профессионалы-конькобежцы и интервалы они бегали 20 сек через 10 сек отдыха, и так до полного отказа. Больше 7-8 раз не получалось. И у него VO2max рос.
А про митохондрии у меня нашлось вот это:
Выходит что кенийцы нашли очень удачный способ. Небольшой объем при высокой (правильной) интенсивности дает и высокий прирост в окислительных способностях мышц и эффективно тренирует серце.
Про кенийцев там же у Сейлера:
The runners train twice a day, morning and afternoon. 90% of the morning runs are through mountains and villages for 8-15 km (5-10 miles) at a moderate intensity (70 to 79% of VO2 max.) The other 10% are at a lower intensity. Then in the afternoon, they run again. This time the distance is only 3.5 to 5 miles, but 80% of these runs are at close to 90% of VO2 max. The other 20% are at very low intensity. If they feel tired they don't run as hard. This doesn't sound very complicated. Out of twelve workouts in a week, only one is an interval session, at 96% of VO2 max. A recent article about the great marathoner Cosmo Ndeti confirms this training strategy even among the older champion runners. The Kenyans definitely train hard, but they never do interval training at paces above VO2 max. As they improve, they run longer at the same relative intensity.