  • Нет ни одной трансляции.
Кочегарова Елена
Кочегарова Елена
Комсомольск-на-Амуре, 1962
Акишина Любовь
Акишина Любовь
Комсомольск-на-Амуре, 1956
Новоселова Мария
Новоселова Мария
Москва, 1977
Сорокина Мария
Сорокина Мария
Москва, 1992
Кондратюк Анатолий
Кондратюк Анатолий
Софрино-1, 1980
Емельянов Сергей
Емельянов Сергей
Москва, 1956
Ингеройнен Владимир
Ингеройнен Владимир
Санкт-Петербург, 1968
Конопелько Фёдор
Конопелько Фёдор
Москва, 1943
Якимов Виктор
Якимов Виктор
Пермь, 1955
Митрошин Сергей
Митрошин Сергей
Инсар, Мордовия, 1975
Пастухов Николай
Пастухов Николай
Санкт-Петербург, 1960
Румянцев Иван
Румянцев Иван
Пермский край, 1964
Щитов Андрей
Щитов Андрей
Балашиха, 1985
Кожин Петр
Кожин Петр
Санкт-Петербург, 1961
Лавриненко Владимир
Лавриненко Владимир
Москва, 1964
Кривенков Сергей
Кривенков Сергей
Москва, 1967
Снедков Денис
Снедков Денис
Москва, 1974
Чечёткин Сергей
Чечёткин Сергей
Сергиев Посад, 1985
Пушкарев Андрей
Пушкарев Андрей
Балашиха, 1977
Тимофеев Дмитрий
Тимофеев Дмитрий
Санкт-Петербург, 1974
Акчурин Ринат
Акчурин Ринат
Москва, 1973
Трипака Сергей
Трипака Сергей
Юбилейный, 1979
Чернов Олег
Чернов Олег
Солнечногорск, 1961
Кригер Александр
Кригер Александр
Федоскино, 1973
Лютов Алексей
Лютов Алексей
Москва, Апрелевка, 1980
Ляпустин Михаил
Ляпустин Михаил
Москва, 1958
Коновалов Александр
Коновалов Александр
Москва, 1961
Рачинский Сергей
Рачинский Сергей
Санкт-Петербург, 1970

Чат с Ярошенко (англ)

11.01.2007 00:00
как-то меня коробило временами :(

Biathlon and other sports
Dmitri, what does biathlon mean to you: job or favourite hobby?
It's job and fun. Actually, it's the best job I can imagine.

Dima, do you feel like the leader of the team now?
No, not at all. Do the Germans have leaders? I think no. In Norway it’s clear, who the leader is, but with the Russians it is difficult.

Hello Dmitri! Which is your favourite discipline?
I like them all, but I don’t like skiing too long distances.

Dima, do you sometimes train in the Altai mountains, in Seminsky-Pereval?
We used to, but we don't go there anymore. It's beautiful there, but the facilities are not up to standard.

Are you into other sports?
In Russia, we don't have the chance to do anything else on the side, like athletes from other countries can do.

How do you like Oberhof?
The weather is like in England, because of the fog. At least, this is how I imagine England to be: foggy.

Dmitri, what do think about Ole Einar Bjoerndalen?
Bjoerndalen is phenomenal. He is probably the greatest athlete of the 21st century.

When we watch biathlon we usually get the impression that the spectators cheer German and Norwegian hits but disturb our shooters - do you feel this, too, or is it just an impression?
Not generally. So far, it was not the case here in Oberhof. And if it happens, then I don’t understand, anyway. Russian fans can be disturbing, too. Norwegian fans are the best when it comes to fairness.

Dmitri do you have your own website?
No, I haven’t and I don’t think I will have one in the future. In Russia, everybody knows you as long as you are competing. But later nobody will remember you. It’s different in Germany where fans are a lot more dedicated.
That’s not true, Dmitri! We remember and we appreciate all sportsmen, including those who have already finished their career!

Personal affairs
Dmitri, how did you spent New Year? Did you get any unexpected presents?
I spent the Christmas break in Austria, for some training on the glacier. New Year’s Eve I competed in the Schalke show competition in Germany. After that we met the rest of the team and swapped symbolic presents, some souvenirs from Austria like lucky charms. We celebrated till 2 o’clock and had to go to Oberhof the next morning at eight.

Do you have a girlfriend. Or are you married?
I got married last July.

Where is your wife now?
My wife is here with me at the moment but she will go back to Russia after the Ruhpolding World Cup.


Dmitri Iarochenko (RUS)
Dima, do you ever get some leisure time off?
Right now, I have time for myself after dinner. Actually, I have more time for myself during the World Cup season than during the summer. And then we have a longer break after the end of the winter season. Then, we usually go to Kamchatka. I love to spend time with my family.

How do you relax?
I know that the Germans sometimes have a beer in the evenings but our coaches don't allow that. I like the way the Germans handle that, it’s a nice way to relax. We do that too, sometimes, but our coaches don't know...

Do you watch television in Germany?
We don't get Russian TV here, but I watch Eurosport and the music channels. The TV program is different over here.
Dima, what is your favourite food?

I like borshtsh, but I love German cuisine as well. Food is not very tasty in Finland, but Norway and Germany make up for that.

Dima, are you friends with other biathletes?
Most of my friends on the circuit come from Slavic countries. Pavol Hurajt is one of them.

I'd like to ask you about the atmosphere in our team. Who is your best friend in the Russian team and what is the attitude towards Russians in other teams?
We're all friends in the Russian team, but my closest friend is Sergei Rozhkov.

Dima, do you have German friends, too?
I don't have a close friend in the German team. It's my first full year on the World Cup circuit and I haven't had enough time to make a lot of friends. I have friends in Hannover, though, and in Bremen.

The future
What are your plans for the future?
My most important goal are the World Championships. The coach set our sights on a medal and I'll try to win some medals for my country.

Dim, do you feel like you can keep your current shape until the World Champs?
It’ll be difficult to keep the level. The Germans are strong and the Norwegians can also be strong. I haven't talked to the coaches yet. I will definitely go to Ruhpolding and Pokljuka but don't know if I will take part in all remaining competitions. This will be decided by the coaches, depending on the shape of the athletes.

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  • Рейтинг: 0 0 0
I like borshtsh...
15.01.2007 14:41
Вот это ЖЖЕСТЬ!!!
Не хуже чем Dmitriy OSSINKINE
Ссылка Рейтинг: 0 0 0
15.01.2007 14:47
жесть это
In Russia ... nobody will remember you

у меня знакомый в Норвегии был и спрашивал кто такой Бьорн Дэли
половина говорила хз
половина помявшись грила Бьорндалена знаем
Вверх Ссылка Рейтинг: 0 0 0
А что? По большому счету он прав... :(
15.01.2007 15:30
не многие сегодня вспомнят, например, золотой состав наших биатлонисток, выигравших эстафету в Лиллихамере. А ведь это было всего 13 лет назад.

По поводу Норвегии вспоминается анекдот:
Вы слишком долго прожили в Норвегии, если:
- у вас есть обычные и парадно-выходные лыжи
- вы знаете кто такой Бьерн Дэли и какое время он показал на дистанции 10 км на Олимпиаде в Нагано.
Вверх Ссылка Рейтинг: 0 0 0
15.01.2007 15:51
я не уверен, что норвеги-финики вспомнят какой-то там состав 15 лет назад

прежде чем говорить, что сказал он, надо бы понимать, что когда нечего жрать не до спорта
А именно так было 10-15лет назад
Да и сейчас до спокойной европы далеко
Вверх Ссылка Рейтинг: 0 0 0
Ну вот он и сказал буквально то же самое
16.01.2007 20:29
Вы начинаете объяснять причины, но по сути сами повторили то что он и сказал.  
Вверх Ссылка Рейтинг: 0 0 0
16.01.2007 20:32
одна и та же информация может быть по-разному подана
Вверх Ссылка Рейтинг: 0 0 0